越南9月26日至27日為已故國家主席陳大光舉行國葬 禁辦娛樂活動
越南國家主席陳大光上周五(21日)病逝,終年61歲。越南政府當地時間周日(23日)宣布,將為陳大光舉行一連兩日(9月26日至27日)的國葬。 越南政府機構及公眾場所周三至周四(9月26日至27日)國葬...
越南國家主席陳大光上周五(21日)病逝,終年61歲。越南政府當地時間周日(23日)宣布,將為陳大光舉行一連兩日(9月26日至27日)的國葬。 越南政府機構及公眾場所周三至周四(9月26日至27日)國葬...
一項新研究的初步結果顯示,觀看太多電視會增加潛在致命血栓的風險。 周日在加利福尼亞州阿納海姆舉行的美國心髒協會(AHA)科學會議上公布的結果表明,即使人們獲得建議的體育活動量,風險也隨著觀看電視所花費...
Last winter I played with several Quick Dinner Roll recipes, searching for one that might produce ...
Although I know it may be easy to believe that my life is a quiet, peaceful little existence in re...
Mmmmmmm….. pancakes. (big fat smiley face) I would really like to face plant into a b...
So, my love of Mexican food has been documented here and here, and I’m sure it will continue...
The other day I posted a quick snapshot of my lunch on instagram (if you're there, I'm It wa...
On the subject of packing food for airplane flights, it appears that a number of you were curious ...
Forget the Ann Demeulemeester sex bag and all that snooty France stuff; give me a bull-scrotum bag...
My entrance was less grand than I’d hoped, but the birthday cake and I made it home intact. ...
Living standards have soared during the twentieth century, and economists expect them to co...
Abraham Joshua Heschel was one of the leading American Rabbis, theologians, and social activists o...